Our Blog

We've been very fortunate and honoured to have had the chance to interact with some really interesting people at the CCC 2011 and learn from them. We have had many questions with regards mesh, security, privacy and the best way forward and we thank everyone who has attended the workshop and helped s...

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There's a lot I'd like to learn about mesh networking. I thought I'd collate the questions I have floating in my head out here along with references to relevant discussions I've come across on various mailing lists.

I plan to keep updating this list as I discover relevant information or find mysel...

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None of this could ever be possible without all the community support we have already received. I cannot thank enough the developers of projects such as olsrd, Xorg, libssh, fuse and the numerous other projects and developers that have helped us.

Recently we have been fortunate enough in b...

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Now that we've seen a little of what eBrainPool can do, I thought I'd doodle a bit and do my best to explain how the current developer's release works under the hood :)

The above schematic shows how the different technologies used come together.

  • Olsr Routing - as mentioned earlier for mesh n...

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