Happy 2015 :)

Happy 2015 :)

03, Jan Jeetu Golani

Here's wishing a very Happy New Year and looking forward to a joyous year ahead filled with a lot of developments with regards eBrainPool.

Amongst things Erle and I are working on and are excited about are :

  • A stable release based on Ubuntu 14.04.

Ubuntu 14.04 comes with a version of lxc and kernel that supports user namespaces and the ability to have unprivileged containers. Ubuntu comes with a bridged lxcbr0 already setup therefore setting up containers requires less root level fiddling around by the user.

Unprivileged containers is very important from a security perspective and we hope to introduce this in the Sandbox branch soon. Once we have it all working we will merge the sandbox branch with master.

  • A revamped messaging system based on Thrift.

Erle has written about this earlier and has been working actively on this very important piece of the puzzle. We believe a messaging system based on Apache Thrift is very crucial to the stability and scalibility of eBrainPool. We feel it is such a vital component that we cannot envision a stable release without this.

A few of the components of the thrift based messaging system have already been pushed to master by Erle with more to follow. I'll let him englighten you on what to expect in this regard....or better yet would be for us to simply push out the code and a stable release :)

See you around :)

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